
Two Grants Will Advance Research for ‘Waking’ Healthy Genes in Prader-Willi Syndrome

A research project aiming to uncover whether awakening “sleeping” genes could overcome the genetic errors underlying Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and lessen disease severity, has earned funding from the Prader-Willi Research Foundation of Australia and the U.S. Foundation for Prader-Willi Research. “[W]e hope they might help people with Prader-Willi syndrome by…

Nonprofit Group Works to Raise Rare Disease Awareness in India

With an estimated 1.37 billion inhabitants, India will likely surpass China in five years as the world’s most populous country. That also means it will have more rare-disease patients than any nation. It already has more than twice as many as the 28-member European Union. Harsha K. Rajasimha, a genomics…