
Disgusting Food Scenes Evoke Abnormal Brain Responses in Patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome, Study Reports

Disgusting food scenes failed to activate primitive limbic structures in the brains of people with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), but cortical responses ­­­­— where conscious sensations are processed ­­­­— were almost normal, a study reports. The study, “Lack of Response to Disgusting Food in the Hypothalamus and Related Structures in Prader…

Parents of PWS Children Give Telehealth Training Positive Reviews

A six-week remote parent-training intervention for children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) got good acceptability and satisfaction scores from parents, supporting the use of telehealth to manage the social and emotional impairments of children with this rare condition, a study reports. The study, “The PRETEND Program: Evaluating the Feasibility of…

Inhibition, Working Memory Impaired in PWS Patients, Study Finds

Impairments in behavioral and working memory tasks are seen in people with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) compared with healthy controls, a new study shows. The study, “Investigation of the relationship between electrodermal and behavioural responses to executive tasks in Prader-Willi syndrome: An event-related experiment,” was published in the journal…

Phase 2a Study of Tesomet Complete; Open Label Extension to Follow

Saniona announced it has completed the second part of its exploratory Phase 2a study testing Tesomet (tesofensine/metoprolol) as a therapy for Prader-Willi syndrome, involving nine adolescent patients treated for three months. The treatment seemed to be well-tolerated, and eight of the nine participants agreed to continue in a 24-week open…